Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Part VII

Explain the use of DataAdapter.

-DataAdapter provides the bridge to connect command objects to a dataset object.
-It populates the table in the dataset from the data store and also pushes the changes in the dataset back into the data store.
Methods of DataAdapter:
Fill - Populates the dataset object with data from the data source
FillSchema - Extracts the schema for a table from the data source
Update - It is use to update the data source with the changes made to the content of the dataset

What is impersonation in ASP.NET?

Impersonation is a technique to access application resources using the identity of some other user.
By default, Impersonation is off
<identity impersonate="true" userName="domain name\username" password="password"/>

Can you explain the basic use of DataView?

DataView is used for sorting and searching data within datatable.
It has got following methods:
Find - returns the index of the row
FindRow - Returns a collection of DataRow
AddNew - Add a new row to the DataView object
Delete - Deletes the specific row from DataView object

What is Authorization in ASP.NET?

Usually after a user is authenticated by means of a login, the process of authorization is followed where the decision is made whether a user should be granted access to a specific resource.
There are 2 ways to authorize access to a given resource:
URL authorization:
URL authorization is performed by the UrlAuthorizationModule
It maps users and roles to URLs in ASP.NET applications.
File authorization:
File authorization is performed by the FileAuthorizationModule.
It checks the access control list of the .aspx or .asmx handler file to determine whether a user should have access to the file.

What is connection pooling and how to enable and disable connection pooling?

Connection pool is created when we open connection first time. When a new connection is created with same connection string as the first one, it reuses the same and existing connection object from the pool without creating a new one.
If the connection string is different then a new connection pooling will be created, thus won't use the existing connection object.
By default, we have connection pooling enabled in .Net. To disable connection pooling, set Pooling = false in the connection string.

Why is an object pool required?

To enhance performance and reduce the load of creating new objects, instead re using existing objects stored in memory pool. Object Pool is a container of objects that are for use and have already been created. Whenever an object creation request occurs, the pool manager serves the request by allocating an object from the pool. This minimizes the memory consumption and system's resources by recycling and re-using objects. When the task of an object is done, it is sent to the pool rather than being destroyed. This reduces the work for garbage collector and fewer memory allocations occur.

Can you explain the importance of Finalize method in .NET?

Clean up activities are entrusted to .NET Garbage collector in .NET. But unmanaged resources such as File, COM object etc. are beyond the scope of Garbage collector. For these type of objects, we have Finalize method where clean up code for unmanaged resources can be put.

Advantages and disadvantages of using cookies

Cookies are stored in client thus no burden as far as space is concern
Cookies are light weight and involves no complexities while using
Most browsers have put a check on the size of a cookie.
Cookies can be disabled on the client thus limiting the use of cookies
Cookies are tampered prone and thus associate security concern

What is AppSetting Section in “Web.Config” file? 
Latest answer: AppSetting section is used to set the user defined values. For e.g.: The ConnectionString which is used through out the project for database connection.........
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Difference between Server.Transfer and response.Redirect.
Latest answer: Following are the major differences between them: Server.Transfer - The browser is directly redirected to another page. There is no round trip...........
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Difference between authentication and authorization.
Latest answer: Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user. Authorization is process of checking whether the user has access rights to the system..............
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What is impersonation in ASP.NET?
Latest answer: By default, ASP.NET executes in the security context of a restricted user account on the local machine. However, at times it becomes necessary to access network resources which require additional permissions.............
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What is event bubbling in .NET?
Latest answer: The passing of the control from the child to the parent is called as bubbling. Controls like DataGrid, Datalist, Repeater, etc can have child controls..........
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Describe how the ASP.NET authentication process works.
Latest answer: ASP.NET runs inside the process of IIS due to which there are two authentication layers which exist in the system.............
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Explain the ways of authentication techniques in ASP.NET
Latest answer: Selection of an authentication provider is done through the entries in the web.config file for an application.The modes of authentication are:.........
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Windows authentication.
Latest answer: If windows authentication mode is selected for an ASP.NET application, then authentication also needs to be configured within IIS since it is provided by IIS............
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Passport authentication
Latest answer: Passport authentication provides authentication using Microsoft’s passport service.
If passport authentication is configured and users login using passport then the authentication duties are off-loaded to the passport servers.............
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Forms authentication
Latest answer: Using form authentication, ones own custom logic can be used for authentication. ASP.NET checks for the presence of a special session cookie when a user requests a page for the application. ............
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Explain how authorization works in ASP.NET
Latest answer: ASP.NET impersonation is controlled by entries in the applications web.config file. Though the default setting is no impersonation, it can be explicitly set using: ...........
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Difference between Datagrid, Datalist and repeater.
Latest answer: Datagrid: The HTML code generated has an HTML TABLE element created for the particular DataRow and is a tabular representation with Columns and Rows. Datagrid has a in-built support for Sort, Filter and paging the Data...........
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What are the events in GLOBAL.ASAX file?
Latest answer: Global.asax file contains the following events: Application_Init - Fired when an application initializes or is first called. It is invoked for all HttpApplication object instances.............
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What are different IIS isolation levels supported in ASP.NET?
Latest answer: IIS has three level of isolation:- LOW (IIS process): In this main IIS process and ASP.NET application run in same process due to which if one crashes, the other is also affected............
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Difference between Gridlayout and FlowLayout.
Latest answer: GridLayout provides absolute positioning for controls placed on the page. FlowLayout positions items down the page like traditional HTML.........
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What is Authentication in ASP.NET?
Latest answer: Authentication is the process of verifying user’s details and find if the user is a valid user to the system or not.......
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What is Authorization in ASP.NET?
Latest answer: Authorization is a process that takes place based on the authentication of the user.......
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Explain the concept of Automatic Memory Management in ASP.NET.
Latest answer: The .NET framework has introduced a concept called Garbage collector. This mechanism keeps track of the allocated memory references and releases the memory when it is not in reference..........
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What is Finalizer in .NET?
Latest answer: Finalizer in .NET are the methods that help in cleanup the code that is executed just before the object is garbage collected..............
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Explain the types of cookies in ASP.NET.
Latest answer: There are two types of cookies in ASP.NET -Single valued cookies................
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What are the ways to retain variables between requests?
Latest answer: Following are the ways to retain variables between requests:Context.Handler -This object can be used to retrieve public members of the web form from a subsequent web page...........
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Describe the Cookies collection in ASP.NET.
Latest answer: Cookies are text files that store information about the user. A user is differentiated from the other by the web server with the help of the cookies. It can also determine where the user had been before with them.............
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What is the Common Language Specification (CLS)?
Latest answer: The CLS contains constructs and constraints which provides a guideline for library and compiler writers.Any language that supports CLS can then use the libraries due to whic the languages can integrate with each other................
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Part V

Describe use of error pages in ASP.NET.
Error pages are used when exceptions are outside the scope of the application and the application can’t respond directly to these exceptions................
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Explain tracing in ASP.NET.
Tracing records unusual events while an application is running. It helps in observing problems during testing and after deployment.............
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What is the use of ComVisible attribute?
ComVisible attribute is used to select which public .NET classes and members are visible to COM.........
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Define Windows and Forms authentication.
Windows authentication is the default authentication method of the ASP.NET application. It uses security scheme of windows operating system of corporate network.............
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What is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security?
SSL protects data exchanged between a client and an ASP.NET application by encrypting the data before it is sent across the internet.............
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Why is the Machine.config file?
The Machine.config file controls issue like process recycling, number of request queue limits, and what interval to check if user is connected..........
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Explain how to distribute shared components as part of an installation program
Shared components should be included as a merge module within the setup project. Merge modules can’t be installed by themselves..................
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Define Unit testing, Integration testing, Regression testing.
Unit testing ensures that each piece of code works correctly. Integration testing ensures each module work together without errors............
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Define HTML and XML. 
HTML: It has predefined elements names '<h1>', '<b>' etc.............
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Also read
Understanding AJAX
AJAX is an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. If you think it doesn't say much, we agree. Simply put, AJAX can be read "empowered JavaScript", because it essentially offers a technique for client-side JavaScript to make background server calls and retrieve additional data as needed, updating certain portions of the page without causing full page reloads.............
ASP.NET 2.0 Features
With ASP.NET 2.0, Microsoft has raised the bar to a much higher level by providing excellent out-of-thebox features that are not only geared toward increasing the productivity of developers but also toward simplifying the administration and management of ASP.NET 2.0 applications...............
ASP.NET 2.0 Developer Productivity
With ASP.NET 2.0, the ASP.NET team has a goal of reducing the number of lines of code required for an application by a whopping 70%. To this end, Microsoft has introduced a collective arsenal of new features that are now available to developers in ASP.NET 2.0..............
Master Pages
ASP.NET 2.0 introduces a new concept known as master pages, in which a common base master file contains the common look and feel and standard behavior for all the pages in your application. Once the common content is placed in the master page, the content pages (child pages) can inherit content from the master pages apart from adding their content to the final output................
MVC Design
MVC, which stands for Model View Controller, is a design pattern that helps us achieve the decoupling of data access and business logic from the presentation code , and also gives us the opportunity to unit test the GUI effectively and neatly, without worrying about GUI changes at all..........
REST: Representation State Transfer
REST means Representational State Transfer, an architectural pattern used to identify and fetch resources from networked systems such as the World Wide Web (WWW). The REST architecture was the foundation of World Wide Web. But the term itself came into being around the year 2000, and is quite a buzzword these days...........

Part IV

Define Server-side and Client-side code in ASP.NET.
Server-side code runs on the server.Client-side code runs on the client's browser................
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What tag do you use to add a hyperlink column to the DataGrid?
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Where does VS.NET store Web application projects?
Web application projects create a virtual folder for each project where all the files of the projects are stored.........
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Describe Web application’s life cycle.
A Web application starts with the first request for a resource. On request, Web forms are instantiated and processed in the server...........
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Define class module and a code module.
Steps to execute a stored procedure from Web Application.
Create a command object.  Set the object’s CommandText property to the name of the stored procedure.
Set the CommandType property to stored Procedure............ 
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Describe exception handling in ASP.NET.
Exception handling correct unusual occurrences and prevent application from getting terminated.........
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What are the exception-handling ways in ASP.NET?
Exceptions can be handled by using Try(try) block and Error event procedures at the global, application, or page levels by using the Server object’s GetLastError and ClearError methods..........
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Also read
ASP.NET 2.0 Web Parts Framework
ASP.NET 2.0 ships with a Web Parts Framework that provides the infrastructure and the building blocks required for creating modular web pages that can be easily customized by the users. You can use Web Parts to create portal pages that aggregate different types of content, such as static text, links, and content that can change at runtime..................
Visual Studio 2005 Improvements
Visual Studio 2005 is the best development tool for building data-driven web applications. As part of the Visual Studio 2005 suite of tools, Microsoft is introducing a new tool called Visual Web Developer (VWD) that is designed to work with the current and next generation of ASP.NET. VWD provides powerful new features for the web developer.................
ASP.NET 2.0 Administration and Management
One of the key goals of ASP.NET 2.0 is to ease the effort required to deploy, manage, and operate ASP.NET web sites. To this end, ASP.NET 2.0 features a new Configuration Management API that enables users to programmatically build programs or scripts that create, read, and update configuration files such as Web.config and machine.config.............
ASP.NET 2.0 Speed and Performance
As part of the performance improvements, ASP.NET 2.0 also enhances the caching feature set by providing new functionalities...........
ASP.NET 2.0 Caching Feature
Caching is defined as temporary storage of data for faster retrieval on subsequent requests. In ASP .NET 2.0, the caching support is integrated with the DataSource controls to cache data in a web page. ASP.NET 2.0 also now includes automatic database server cache invalidation............
Model View Controller
we will learn about MVC design patterns, and how Microsoft has made our lives easier by creating the ASP.NET MVC framework for easier adoption of MVC patterns in our web applications...............
Page Controller Pattern in ASP.NET
Here it shows how a page controller pattern works in ASP.NET.
MVC Design
MVC, which stands for Model View Controller, is a design pattern that helps us achieve the decoupling of data access and business logic from the presentation code , and also gives us the opportunity to unit test the GUI effectively and neatly, without worrying about GUI changes at all..........

Part III

What is Shared (static) member?

It belongs to the type but not to any instance of a type.
It can be accessed without creating an instance of the type..............
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What is the transport protocol you use to call a Web service?

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is the preferred protocol................
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What is Option Strict used for?

Option Strict On enables type checking at design time and prevents.............
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Define Boxing an Unboxing.  

Boxing allows you to treat a value type the same as a reference type........
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What does WSDL stand for?
Web Services Description Language..........
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Define ViewState in ASP.NET.

It allows the state of objects (serializable) to be stored in a hidden field on the page.
It is transported to the client and back to the server, and is not stored on the server or any other external source............... 
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What is the lifespan for items stored in ViewState?

Items stored in the ViewState exist for the life of the current page...........
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Define EnableViewState property.

It allows the page to save the users input on a form across postbacks.
It saves the server-side values for a given control into ViewState.............
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What are Delegates?

Delegates provide the functionality behind events.
A delegate is a strongly typed function pointer................
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What are Classes?

Classes are the blueprints for objects.
A class acts as a template for any number of distinct objects.........
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What is Encapsulation?

The data of an object should never be made available to other objects...........
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Different types of Session state management options available with ASP.NET?

ASP.NET provides In-Process and Out-of-Process state management.
In-Process stores the session in memory on the web server.............
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What methods are fired during the page load?
Init() - when the page is instantiated.
Load() - when the page is loaded into server memory.........
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Explain ADO.NET.

It is data-access technology, primarily disconnected and designed to provide efficient, scalable data  access. The disconnected data is represented within a DataSet object.............
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Also read

ASP.NET 2.0 Data Controls

One of the important goals of ASP.NET 2.0 is 70% code reduction. The data controls supplied with ASP.NET 2.0 play an important role in making this ambitious goal a reality. Data source controls provide a consistent and extensible method for declaratively accessing data from web pages..............

ASP.NET 2.0 Security Controls

With ASP.NET 2.0, things have changed for the better. For security-related functionalities, ASP.NET 2.0 introduces a wide range of new controls..............

ASP.NET 2.0 New Controls

In addition to the new controls, ASP.NET 2.0 also provides numerous enhancements to existing controls that make these controls more versatile than ever before in building component-based web pages. For example, the Panel control now has a DefaultButton property that specifies which button should be clicked if the user presses the Enter key while the panel has the focus.........

ASP.NET 2.0 Validation Groups

With ASP.NET 2.0, Microsoft introduces a new feature known as validation groups, which enables you to create different groups of validation controls and assign them to input controls, such as text boxes. You can assign a validation group to a collection of input controls if you want to validate the collection of input controls on the same criteria............

ASP.NET 2.0 Themes

One of the neat features of ASP.NET 2.0 is themes, which enable you to define the appearance of a set of controls once and apply the appearance to your entire web application............

ASP.NET State Management 

This article describes state management in ASP.NET. It explains client-side state management and server-side state management.

ASP.NET Validation Control

This includes description about validation control, its types and steps to use them in ASP.NET.


This is complete article on ADO.NET with code and interview questions

Part II

What is a ViewState?

Latest answer: Viewstate is used to maintain or retain values on postback. It helps in preserving a page. Viewstate is internally maintained as a hidden field in encrypted form along with a key............
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What is the difference between src and Code-Behind?

Latest answer: Src: is a way mention the name of the code-behind class to dynamically compile on the request for a page. ...............
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What is the difference between URL and URI?

Latest answer: URI - Uniform Resource Identifier: it’s a string and its responsibility is to identify a resource by meta-information. It gives information about only one resource............
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What is the Pre-Compilation feature of ASP.NET 2.0?

Latest answer: It is a process where things that can be handled before compilation are prepared in order to reduce the deployment time, response time, increase safety. It’s main aim to boost performance.............
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How can we create custom controls in ASP.NET?

Latest answer: Custom controls are user defined controls. They can be created by grouping existing controls, by deriving the control from System.Web.UI.WebControls..........
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What is an application domain?

Latest answer: An operating system process can have many ongoing application domains. Application Domains keep an application separate. All objects created within the same application scope are created within the same application domain...........
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Explain the two different types of remote object creation mode in .NET. [Hint SAO and CAO]

Latest answer: SAO Server Activated Object (call mode): lasts the lifetime of the server. They are activated as SingleCall/Singleton objects. It makes objects stateless...........
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Describe SAO architecture of Remoting.

Latest answer: Remoting has at least three sections:-
1. Server
2. Client: This connects to the hosted remoting object
3. Common Interface between client and the server .i.e. the channel..........
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Explain Singleton architecture of Remoting.

Latest answer: Singleton architecture is to be used when all the applications have to use or share same data...........
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Define LeaseTime, SponsorshipTime, RenewOnCallTime, LeaseManagePollTime.

Latest answer: The LeaseTime property protects the object so that the garbage collector does not destroy it as remoting objects are beyond the scope of the garbage collector. Every object created has a default leasetime for which it will be activated..........
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Briefly explain how to specify remoting parameters using config files.

Latest answer: The remoting parameters can be specified through both programming and in config files. All the settings defined in config files are placed under <system.runtime.remoting>...........
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What is marshalling? Explain types of marshalling.

Latest answer: Marshaling is a process of transforming or serializing data from one application domain and exporting it to another application domain...........
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What is ObjRef object in remoting?

Latest answer: ObjRef is a searializable object returned by Marshal() that knows about location of the remote object, host name, port number, and object name........
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Explain the steps of acquiring a proxy object in web services.

Latest answer: Every service listed has a URI pointing to the service's DISCO or WSDL document, which is needed to access the webservice and its 'webmethod" methods..........
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Explain the steps to create a web services and consume it.

Latest answer: Create a new website by selecting "ASP.NET Web Site" and giving it a suitable name. service.cs file appears inside the solution with a default webmethod named as "HelloWorld()"........
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Explain the difference between cache object and application object.

Latest answer: Application Object: Application variable/object stores an Object with a scope of availability of the entire Application unless explicitly destroyed.............
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What is Cache Callback in Cache?

Latest answer: The cache object has dependencies e.g. relationships to the file it stores. Cache items remove the object when these dependencies change. As a work around we would need to simply execute a callback method............
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What is Scavenging?

Latest answer: A process where items are removed from cache in order to free the memory based on their priority. A property called "CacheItemPriority" is used to figure out the priority of each item inside the cache...........
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Explain the types of Caching using Cache object of ASP.NET.

Latest answer: Page output: Is used to fetch information or data at page level. It is best used when the site is mainly static. Used by declaring the output page directive............
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Show with an example how to Cache different version of same page using ASP.NET Cache object.

Latest answer: The ways to cache different versions on the same page using ASP.NET cache object is using OutputCache object............
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Explain how to implement Fragment Cache.

Latest answer: Fragment cache is to store user controls individually within a web form in cache instead of the whole webform as such. The idea is to simply have different cache parameters for different user controls.............
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Explain the various modes of storing ASP.NET session.

Latest answer: Types of sessions: InProc: The default way to use sessions. InProc is the fastest way to store and access sessions...........
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What are the benefits and limitations of using hidden fields?

Latest answer: Advantages: Easy to implement, Hidden fields are supported by all browsers, Enables faster access of information because data is stored on client side............
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What are the benefits and limitations of using Hidden Frames?

Latest answer: Advantages: Hidden frames allow you to cache more than one data field, The ability to cache and access data items stored in different hidden forms...........
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What are benefits and limitations of using Cookies?

Latest answer: Advantages: They are simple to use. Light in size, thus occupy less memory. Stores server information on client side. Data need not to be sent back to server........
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What is QueryString and what are benefits and limitations of using querystring?

Latest answer: Querystring is way to transfer information from one page to another through the URL........
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What is Absolute and Sliding expiration in .NET?

Latest answer: Absolute and sliding expiration are two Time based expiration strategies. Absolute Expiration: Cache in this case expires at a fixed specified date or time..............
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Explain the concepts and capabilities of cross page posting.

Latest answer: Cross-page posting is done at the control level. It is possible to create a page that posts to different pages depending on what button the user clicks on. It is handled by done by changing the postbackurl property of the controls..........
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Explain how to access ViewState value of this page in the next page.

Latest answer: PreviousPage property is set to the page property of the nest page to access the viewstate value of the page in the next page. Page poster = this.PreviousPage;..........
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What is SQL Cache Dependency in ASP.NET?

Latest answer: SQL Cache Dependency in ASP.NET: It is the mechanism where the cache object gets invalidated when the related data or the related resource is modified.........
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Explain the concepts of Post Cache Substitution in .NET

Latest answer: Post Cache Substitution: It works opposite to fragment caching. The entire page is cached, except what is to be kept dynamic. When [OutputCache] attribute is used, the page is cached............
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Explain the use of localization and Globalization.

Latest answer: Users of different countries, use different languages and others settings like currency, and dates. Therefore, applications are needed to be configurable as per the required settings based on cultures, regions, countries........
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Explain the concepts of CODE Page approach. What are the disadvantages of this approach?

Latest answer: Code Page was used before Unicode came into existence. It was a technique to represent characters in different languages..........
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What are resource files and explain how do we generate resource files?

Latest answer: Resource files are files in XML format. They contain all the resources needed by an application. These files can be used to store string, bitmaps, icons, fonts........
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What are Satellite assemblies and how to generate Satellite assemblies?

Latest answer: To support the feature of multiple languages, we need to create different modules that are customized on the basis of localization. These assemblies created on the basis of different modules are knows as satellite assemblies...........
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Latest answer: Al.exe: It embeds the resources into a satellite assembly. It takes the resources in .resources binary format.......
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Explain the concepts of resource manager class.

Latest answer: ResourceManager class: It provides convenient access to resources that are culture-correct. The access is provided at run time.........
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What is Windows communication foundation, WCF?

Latest answer: WCF is a framework that builds applications that can inter-communicate based on service oriented architecture consuming secure and reliable web services.............
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Explain the important principle of SOA.

Latest answer: A service-oriented architecture is collection of services which communicate with one another other......
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Explain the components of WCF - Service class, Hosting environment, END point.

Latest answer: WCF Service is composed of three components: Service class: It implements the service needed, Host environment: is an environment that hosts the developed service.............
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Difference between WCF and Web Services.

Latest answer: WCF can create services similar in concept to ASMX, but has much more capabilities. WCF is much more efficient than ASP.Net coz it is implemented on pipeline............
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What are different bindings supported by WCF?

Latest answer: BasicHttpBinding, WSHttpBinding, WSDualHttpBinding.......
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What is duplex contract in WCF?

Latest answer: Duplex contract: It enables clients and servers to communicate with each other. The calls can be initiated independently of the other one.............
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Explain the different transaction isolation levels in WCF.

Latest answer: Read Uncommitted: - Also known as Dirty isolation level. It makes sure that corrupt Data cannot be read. This is the lowest isolation level............
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What are Volatile and Dead letter queues?

Latest answer: Volatile Queues: There are scenarios in the project when you want the message to deliver in proper time. The timely delivery of message is very more important and to ensure they are not lost is important too. Volatile queues are used for such purposes.............
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What is Windows workflow foundation?

Latest answer: Windows Workflow Foundation (WF): It is a platform for building, managing and executing workflow-enabled applications, for designing and implementing a programming model ..........
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Explain the types of Workflow in Windows Workflow Foundation.

Latest answer: There are 3 types of workflows in WWF: Sequential Workflow: The sequential workflow style executes a set of contained activities in order, one by one and does not provide an option to go back to any step...........
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What are XOML files? Explain their uses.

Latest answer: XOML is an acronym for Extensible Object Markup Language. XOML files are the markup files. They are used to declare the workflow and are then compiled with the file containing the implementation logic..............
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How to make an application offline in ASP.NET 2.0.

Latest answer: Microsoft's Internet Information Services web server software is used to make an application offline. The IIS is instructed to route all incoming requests for the web site to another URL automatically........
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What are script injection attacks?

Latest answer: Script injection attacks called Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks exploit vulnerabilities in Web page validation by injecting client-side script code.............
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What is Authentication in ASP.NET?

Latest answer: Authentication is the process of verifying user’s details and find if the user is a valid user to the system or not. This process of authentication is needed to provide authority to the user........
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What is Authorization in ASP.NET?

Latest answer: Authorization is a process that takes place based on the authentication of the user. Once authenticated, based on user’s credentials, it is determined what rights des a user have...........
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What is the difference between login controls and Forms authentication?

Login controls are part of ASP. Net’s UI controls collection which allows users to enter their username and password to login to a website/application. They provide login solution without the need of writing code...........
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What is Fragment Caching in ASP.NET?

Fragment caching does not cache a WebForm, rather it allows for caching of individual user controls within a Web Form, where each control can have different cache duration and behavior...........
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What is partial classess in .net?

.Net2.0 supports the concept of partial classes which is unlike the concept of one class one file. In .Net technology, one can define a single class over multiple files using the concept of partial classes............
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Explain how to pass a querystring from an .asp page to aspx page.

Yesyoucandoitusingahyperlink<BR><ahref="Abc.aspx?name=test">Click to go to aspx </a>.............
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Overview of the .NET Compact Framework

.NET Compact Framework is a scaled down versions of .NET framework for supporting Windows CE based mobile and embedded devices like mobile phones...............

What is Language Integrated Query (LINQ)?

LINQ is a set of extensions to .NET Framework that encapsulate language integrated query, set and other transformation operations....................

Define access modifiers.

Access modifiers are used to control the scope of type members.
There arefive access modifiers that p rovide varying levels of access...........
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Name the namespace for Web page in ASP.NET.

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Write difference between overloading and overriding.

Overriding - Methods have the same signature as the parent class method............
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Write namespace for user locale in ASP.NET.

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How do you implement inheritance in .NET?

In C#.NET, we implement using  ":"
In VB.Net we implements using "Inherits" keyword...........
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Explain the differences between Server-side and Client-side code.

Server-side code executes on the server.
Client-side code executes in the client's browser..........  
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Define ADO.NET Dataset.
A Dataset can represent an entire relational database in memory, complete with tables, relations, and views...............
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Define global.asax in ASP.NET.

The Global.asax is including the Global.asax.cs file.
You can implement application........
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What are the Application_Start and Session_Start subroutines used for?

These subroutines set the variables for the Application and Session objects.........
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Define inline code and code behind.

Inline code written along side the html in a page.
Code-behind is code written in a separate file and referenced by the .aspx page........
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What is MSIL?

MSIL is the Microsoft Intermediate Language.
.NET compatible application will get converted to MSIL on compilation...........
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Name the class Web Forms inherit from.

The Page class...........
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Explain different IIS isolation levels in ASP.NET- Low (IIS process A), Medium (Pooled), High (Isolated)

Low (IIS Process): This is the fastest and the default IIS4 setting. ASP pages run in INetInfo.exe and so they are executed in-process. If ASP crashes, IIS too does and must be restarted...........
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ASP.NET 2.0 Features

With ASP.NET 2.0, Microsoft has raised the bar to a much higher level by providing excellent out-of-thebox features that are not only geared toward increasing the productivity of developers but also toward simplifying the administration and management of ASP.NET 2.0 applications...............

ASP.NET 2.0 Developer Productivity

With ASP.NET 2.0, the ASP.NET team has a goal of reducing the number of lines of code required for an application by a whopping 70%. To this end, Microsoft has introduced a collective arsenal of new features that are now available to developers in ASP.NET 2.0..............

Master Pages

ASP.NET 2.0 introduces a new concept known as master pages, in which a common base master file contains the common look and feel and standard behavior for all the pages in your application. Once the common content is placed in the master page, the content pages (child pages) can inherit content from the master pages apart from adding their content to the final output................

New Code-Behind Model in ASP.NET 2.0

ASP.NET 2.0 introduces a third model: a new form of code-behind that relies on the new partial classes support in the Visual C# and Visual Basic compilers. Code-behind in ASP.NET 2.0 fixes a nagging problem with version 1.x: the requirement that code-behind classes contain protected fields whose types and names map to controls declared in the ASPX file...............

Creating and Sharing Reusable Components in ASP.NET 2.0

Prior to ASP.NET 2.0, if you were to reference a reusable component from your ASP.NET application, you had to compile the assembly and place it in the bin folder (or place it in the GAC) of the web application............

Explain how authorization works in ASP.NET

ASP.NET impersonation is controlled by entries in the applications web.config file...........